How to build the server on your own system, or how to contribute to the project
Yarn Package Manager:
Code editor. Here are a few recommended editors:
Once you have a code editor installed, remember to install all of the required plugins/extensions such as the following:
Clone the repository
git clone
Navigate into the repository on your local machine
cd BlueBubbles-Server
Install the server dependencies
Run the dev server (this will start both the renderer and server)
yarn run start-dev
We encourage all contributions to this project! All we ask are you follow these simple rules when contributing:
Write clean code
Comment your code
Follow Typescript and React best practices
Backend Code: /src/main
BlueBubbles Server: /src/main/server/index.ts
Description: This class is the main entry point to the whole backend. This classes manages the ngrok connection, the config database connection, the connection, and handles any inter-process-communications (IPC) from the "renderer" (UI).
BlueBubbles Types: /src/main/server/types.ts
Description: Holds the types for the BlueBubbles server. Defines what fields are required and optional, as well as which keys are required in a request/response
iMessage Library: /src/main/server/api/imessage
Description: This directory contains all of the classes and code needed to communicate with the iMessage Chat database. We use TypeORM as our decorator library for connecting to the database. This allows us to request information from the database in an object-oriented way
iMessage Database Models: /src/main/server/api/imessage/entity
Description" This directory contains all of the entities within the iMessage Chat database. These are also known as database "models". They defined the columns and their types. These files determine what "properties" are associated with each entity, and what we can get from the database table
iMessage Database Transformers: /src/main/server/api/imessage/transformers
Description: This directory contains what we cann "transformers". They allow us to automatically convert values that we get from the database, as well as insert into the database. These are super helpful for the iMessage database. One instance they really help is with date conversions. iMessage stores dates as seconds since 2001. This is opposed to a "normal" seconds since EPOCH. On top of that, they switched the date formats from v10.12 to v10.13. The transformers allows us to seemlessly convert those date without having to worry about it in our "fetching" code. There are also transformers for integers to booleans as well as reaction IDs to strings
iMessage Database Listeners: /src/main/server/api/imessage/listeners
Description: These classes are "listeners". They allow you to listen on certain things. For instance, the MessageListener allows you to "listen" for new messages. It does this by polling the database for new information, then "emitting" that message to whoever is listening. These classes inherit the JS EventEmitter class
Filesystem Lib: /src/main/fileSystem
Description: This class allows us, and helps us, interact with the MacOS filesystem. Mostly, reading/writing files to the app's directory.
Filesystem Scripts: /src/main/fileSystem/scripts.ts
Description: File that holds the Apple Scripts that get executed when sending a message, creating a chat, etc.
Server Helpers: /src/main/helpers
Description: Some helpers for executing actions from the client, or sending results back to the client
Socket Server: /src/main/services/socket
Description: The socket server that handles all incoming requests from connected sockets. Allows clients to request for bulk information such as getting chats, messages, etc.
FCM Server: /src/main/services/fcm
Description: This class will handle all communication with Google Firebase. This includes registering devices with FCM, sending notifications, etc.
Frontend Code: /src/renderer
Fronend Layouts: /src/renderer/layouts
Description: This directory contains the layouts for the frontend. In essence, these are the "containers" for all the pages. For example, the Admin
layout in that directory is what shows the sidebar navigation, and all of its' children
Frontend Views: /src/renderer/views
Description: The components in this directory are the "views" or "pages" within a layout. For instance, you'll find the configuration page here. It is a child within the Admin layout.
Frontend Components: /src/renderer/components
Description: These are the re-usable components that you may use anywhere within the frontend. These may be "cards", or "buttons", or any other custom UI element.
Frontend Entrypoint: /src/renderer/app.tsx