
How to configure your server to enable the Private API

Disable SIP at your own risk! We are not responsible for any damages, issues, or glitches caused by disabling SIP or by using the Private API.

If you use common sense when downloading and installing things, you should be just fine. Please be careful!

Disabling SIP on an Apple Silicon Mac disables the ability to install and run iOS Apps on your Mac. If this feature is important to you, don't use the Private API.

If you are using a Virtual Machine, please take a snapshot before continuing! You will definitely want a failsafe in case something goes wrong.

Please ensure you have the latest BlueBubbles Server from GitHub Releases!

Now that the warnings are out of the way, lets proceed to the instructions!

Supported Device Info

The Helper Bundle currently supports macOS 10.13 and up, on both Intel and Apple Silicon Macs.


Please follow the instructions for your macOS version in the tabs below.

  1. Open Terminal on your macOS device

  2. Run the following command to disable Library Validation and enter your password when prompted.

    sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ DisableLibraryValidation -bool true

  3. Run the following commands to force your Mac to reboot into recovery mode:

    • WARNING: DO NOT do this step or step 4-5 if you are running dos1dude's patched High Sierra/Mojave/Catalina. It may temporarily brick your Mac until you reset your NVRAM/PRAM

    • If you are on a real Mac with official macOS, do the following:

      1. WARNING: This will instantly reboot your Mac. Save everything before executing this command!

      2. sudo nvram recovery-boot-mode=unused

      3. sudo reboot recovery

    • If you are using a Virtual Machine or a patched macOS software (Open Core), follow this guide.

  4. When you are booted into Recovery Mode:

    • Click on Utilities in the top menu bar

    • Select Terminal

    • Type this command and hit enter to disable SIP: csrutil disable

  5. Restart your macOS device/server

    • Click the Apple logo in the top menu, then click Restart

  6. Turn the Private API switch on in the BlueBubbles Server settings

  7. Verify that the Private API is connected by clicking the refresh button inside the Private API Status box in BlueBubbles Server settings

  8. Go to Settings > Private API Features on the clients you use, and toggle that on. You should now have functioning Private API Features!


Here are some basic troubleshooting steps. Please try these out, and if you need more help, feel free to join our Discord!

  • Make sure you have the Private API switch turned on in both the server and the client app

  • Try force quitting and reopening the server (with private API switch toggled on)

  • Run csrutil status inside Terminal, then join our Discord and let us know what the output is.

If none of this works, you should join our Discord and the developers will be able to help you out. In your post, please include your macOS version, Mac chipset (Intel / Apple Silicon), and your server version. Thanks!

Last updated

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